The membership meeting for February 15th 2025 will be Zoom only.
Due to the forecast inclement weather we will not be meeting at the Gaelic League. 


Welcome to the Irish Genealogical Society of Michigan. The Irish Genealogical Society of Michigan is a non-denominational organization focusing on genealogical research in all thirty-two counties of the Emerald Isle. Our meeting is open to everyone who can attend at the Gaelic League.  Zoom invitations are sent out to members only due to capacity limitations.

February 2025 Meeting

Next Meeting Saturday, February 15th 2025, 1:30 PM
at The Gaelic League, 2068 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48216
Please join us for the monthly Hybrid meeting of the 2024 - 2025 season featuring Thomas Koselka as our featured speaker.  Reminders for this meeting will be emailed out to members as the date approaches.  Zoom invitations are sent out to members only due to capacity limitations.  Non-Members will be charged $10.00 to access our Zoom presentations.
"Exit, Enter, Commit - Emigration, Immigration, and Naturalization"
with Thomas Koselka

Dive into the fascinating world of migration with "Exit Enter Commit-Emigration, Immigration, and Naturalization," where we delve into the historical emigration and immigration records of passengers from Europe arriving at US and Canadian entry points. We will shed light on the US naturalization process, revealing intriguing facts such as how certain conditions could cause women to lose their citizenship. Discover how the criteria and regulations for obtaining citizenship have evolved over time.
Tom has been researching his family history for over twenty-five years. Tom is President of the Detroit Society for Genealogical Research and Past-President of the Michigan Genealogical Council and the Dearborn Genealogical Society and serves as a board member, mentor, and advisor to several genealogical societies. He is retired from Dearborn Music and lives in Westland with his wife, Valerie.

Coming Events
Saturday, Mar. 22nd
March Monthly Meeting
 Lianne Kruger from Alberta Canada Topic TBA
Saturday, Apr. 26th
April Monthly Meeting
"Discovering Your Ancestors in Poorhouse Records" by Elizabeth Hodges
Saturday, May. 10th
May Meeting
"Selected Detroit and Michigan Genealogical  Resources at the Burton Historiacal Collection, Detroit Public Library" by Mark Bowden Following the walk through you will be able to access the Burton collection to do research.